What are urinary tract infections?
A urinariry tract infection can affect any part of your urinary system or multiple at one time. You can suffer from urethritis which is an infection of the urinary tract from your bladder to your genital area. You may suffer from cystitis which is an infection of your bladder. If untreated bladder in fections can progress to a more serious infection of your kidneys.
What are the symptoms and signs?
Burning when you void, change in urine odor, Change in urine color.
How are urinary tract infections diagnosed?
Urinary tract infections can be diagnosed clinicaly without the need for further testing. Urinalysis can help diagnosed urinary tract infection when you do not have typical symptoms. Urine culture is recommended to identify the organism causing infection and what antibiotic the organism is susceptible to.
What can I do to prevent a urinary tract infection?
Always drink plenty of water and do not wait to void once you have the urge to go. Females should never wipe back to front in order to prevent the risk of a urinary tract infection.